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  • Writer's pictureBerta Pisano

How to Keep Your Skin Glowing

Updated: Dec 30, 2017

Everyone wants to look good. There is something wondrous about a woman who has naturally glowing skin(skin glow cream). She looks healthier, happier and radiant. When you look at someone who is in peak condition, do you feel slightly jealous and wish you could quiz them about their beauty secrets? What is the secret to look fresh, younger looking and glowing?

What Is Skin?

  1. It is the largest organ in your body and takes up about 16% of your body weight. Every 24 hours your skin shreds dead cells. As you age it takes longer for your skin to renew it self. In a younger person, the skin renews every 10-14 days but an older person's skin renewal process can take up to 28 days.

  2. Your skin consists up of three main layers - the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.

  3. Your skin is always absorbing and releasing toxins. Constant exposure to toxins and pollution, whether through poor dietary habits and negative thought patterns or exposure to industrial waste and car exhausts fumes all effect the tone of your skin.

Main Function of the Skin

As the largest organ in your body, your skin serves many functions.

1. The skin protects the body from the environment.

2. The skin protects all the internal organs and provides a protective layer from all the external stresses and strains of daily living, such as it prevents harmful bacteria, toxins, pollution, sun rays entering into the body.

3. It prevents excessive water loss from the body and protects the body from infection.

4. Helps to purify the body by eliminating waste fluids.

As you can see there are many external factors which impact upon your skin's ability to look healthy and glowing for skin glow cream.

Despite this, there are several things you can do to help your skin eliminate toxins and bacteria from your body.

Four Self-Care Tips To Keep Your Skin Glowing

1. Cut Out Fast Foods and Fizzy Drinks

Generally, your skin is a good sign of your overall health and wellness habits. I have teen daughters, who have an average fast food, fizzy drinks diet (sad, I know, but hey.) For Lent, they are giving up all fast foods - burgers and the like and coke/fizzy drinks in favour of water and fruit juice. It has only been a week but already their complexion looks healthy, the pimples and spots are clearing up and they have more money at the end of the day in their purse! It will be interesting to see how they get on as Lent progresses.

So, if you have a few issues about your complexion, and your diet consists of fast foods, fatty take-a-ways and fizzy drinks, maybe you could try a few days without eating them and seeing what effects it has on your complexion.

2. Dry Skin Brushing

Dry skin brushing helps to improve the look of your skin as it speeds up the rate at which toxins release through the body.

The best time to dry skin is before your bath or shower.

Use a good quality natural bristle wooden handle brush with soft bristles. When you body brush always brush the skin in the direction of the heart as this increases circulation with skin glow cream. Start at the soles of your feet, use long strokes and brush over the soles of your feet, work your way up your inner and outer thighs, then up your arms, over your shoulders and down your back. Brush lightly over your stomach using small circular clockwise strokes. Avoid parts of the body where the skin is broken or delicate and do not brush over your face. When you have finished brushing, get into your bath or shower and enjoy a luxurious pamper shower.

3. Drink More Water

Drinking more water (or certain herbal teas) is the most natural and easiest way to cleanse and purify your system. Try to drink between 6-8 glasses of water daily, more if you regularly work-out. Drinking water helps to hydrate your brain and helps your cells to work more efficiently. Start your day by drinking a cup of hot water with a few slices of lemon in. You can also add slices of lemon to your 6-8 glasses of water to help alkaline the body.

4. Facial Steam

A facial steam releases stale oils, opens up your pores and eliminates impurities. To steam your face, fill a small bowl with hot (not boiling) water. If you have fresh herbs, such as lavender, chamomile, peppermint wash and chop them up and add to the bowl. Alternatively, you can use a few drops of skin glow cream in the water.Lean over your bowl with your face in the steam. Drape a towel over your head and the bowl and stay under the towel for about 10-20 minutes. You can always top-up the water if it cools down. When you have finished steaming, wipe your face with a damp cloth and pat dry.


As the largest organ in the body, your skin is exposed to all kinds of harmful external toxins and internal bacteria. Poor dietary habits, and unhealthy lifestyle habits causes havoc with the way your skin looks. Drink more water, dry skin brushing, facial steams and cutting out fast foods and fizzy drinks, are easy self-care tools you can use to improve the quality and tone of your skin.

Give them a go and let me know what difference you notice in your complexion:- Navigate to this website

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